What is Galvanic Corrosion?
Galvanic Corrosion, an intriguing phenomenon in the realm of materials science and metallurgy, involves an intricate interplay of electrical and chemical processes. At its core, this process hinges upon the fascinating principle that when two dissimilar metals are electrically connected, one metal becomes more susceptible to corrosion than the other. This electrochemical dance between the metals gives rise to an array of intricate reactions that can alter the physical and chemical properties of the materials involved.
Anodes ( sacrificial anodes ) when used to protect various steel strucutures is a good example of galvanic corrosion. That is when the anode corrodes to protect the structure.
Protection Against Galvanic Corrosion With Sacrificial Anodes
A key approach in combating galvanic corrosion involves utilizing cathodic protection systems, with the sacrificial anode emerging as a prominent solution. Crafted from a metal alloy boasting a more negative electrochemical potential than the protected metal (cathode), the sacrificial anode undergoes controlled corrosion, effectively hindering oxidation reactions on the structure's surface. Two essential prerequisites underpin the efficacy of this method, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between anode and cathode and precise material selection. This strategic deployment of sacrificial anodes presents a robust defense against galvanic corrosion, guided by electrochemical principles and engineered precision.