Harbour & Onshore
Harbour structures without adequate protection, can lead to serious corrosion damage and is a direct threat to a safe work environment. Since key harbor infrastructure often relies heavily on steel and often are placed on the frontline, they will be prone to corrosion as soon they’re installed.
Korrosionssgruppen has been supplying Design, material and installation for sheet pilings, pillars, boat ramps and many more for over 30 years.
Dock / Harbour
Leaving critical dock/harbor’s structures without adequate protection, can lead to serious corrosion damage
Buried Pipelines
Water distribution networks and central district cooling are two main pipeline infrastructure areas
Condenser/Heating Plants
Internal protection of condensers/heating plants cooled by seawater
Storage Tanks
There are two types of Storage tanks, Buried tanks(outer/inner protection) and Ground tanks(outer/inner protection)
Powerplants/Power Generation
Cooling water pipes/channels are essential for the operation
Process Industry
Usually, due to high temperatures and high flowrates, the process industry suffers greatly from corrosion.
Sewage Treatment Plants
Sewage treatment plans are often subdued to corrosion on reinforced concrete and transporting tubes
Refineries often encounter corrosion problems both above and below ground. Below ground, regular cathodic protection
Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced concrete acts trough the alkalinity of the porous concrete water content, since the steel in some cases