Ground Tanks (Outer Protection) Harbour & Onshore Dock / Harbour ICCP Sacrificial Anodes Buried Pipelines ICCP Sacrificial Anodes Storage Tanks Buried Tanks Buried Tanks (Outer Protection) Buried Tanks (Inner Protection) Ground Tanks Ground Tanks (Outer Protection) Ground Tanks (Inner Protection) Condensers/Heating Plants ICCP Sacrificial Anodes Powerplants/Power Generation ICCP Process Industry ICCP Sacrificial Anodes Refineries ICCP Sacrificial Anodes Reinforced Concrete ICCP Sewage Treatment Plants ICCP Ground Tanks (Outer Protection) Corrosion prevention for above ground tanks Application: Coating outer shell of storage tank in order to prevent corrosion, therefore increasing design length considerably. Material Used: STOPAQ® Coating Range We Offer: Consultation, Projecting, Installation, Maintenance and Worldwide Cathodic Protection Material Shipping. Contact us Certifikat